Master's degree in strategic management and entrepreneurship

Dean : prof. Martine PELE – website :

The Strategic management and entrepreneurship M2 degree is a vocational diploma. It aims to provide students with high-level expertise in the operational fields of corporate strategy, drawing from a broad understanding of managerial competencies.


To develop innovative business models and competitive strategies.

  • To develop entrepreneurship in students wishing to have an international career, in a young, innovative business as well as in a well-established international corporation.
  • To meet the needs of businesses whose structure, process and system dynamics require transverse project  management.
  • To help students acquire the skills needed to create or acquire a business in a favorable context.

The training provided in this degree is vocational, as it operates through apprenticeship or via long-term work placements with a connection to entrepreneurship. Students who wish to do so can also spend a semester abroad, in one of Paris II’s academic partners

Career opportunities

After graduating, students can join companies looking for enterprising and adaptable graduates, or start their own businesses.

Some examples of careers :

  • Business executive
  • Management associate
  • Entrepreneur, subsidiary or activity developer
  • Takeover entrepreneur
  • Project manager
  • Strategy and organisation consultant


  • MASTER 1 in management sciences (M1 Sciences de Gestion) AES (business administration), Economics, Political Sciences, Law, or a degree from a Grande Ecole (business or engineering) or from I.E.P. (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris).
  • Good English language proficiency (TOEFL, TOEIC, CAE, etc.). 
    Admission will be granted after individual examination of the applicant’s results and profile, written tests, and an interview, at the end of June.

General organisation

  • October-March (24 weeks): 2.5 days at university / 3 days on the job.
  • April –September: full-time work position / at university for the thesis methodology seminar (24 hours)
  • Overall number of hours :
Lectures 360 hours
Thesis seminar 24 hours
Tutoring 40 hours 
Total = 424 hours

15 24-hour seminars = 360 hours of lectures
15 hours of classes per week (5 3-hour lectures over 2.5 days)


The following modules focus on three major fields

MODULE 1 : fundamentals of strategy
(written test for each subject) 100 points = 15 ECTS
  1. Decision and strategic analysis
  2. Organisational change and human resources management
  3. Communication and marketing strategy
  4. Quantitative and qualitative methods applied to strategy
  5. M&A law
MODULE 2 : entrepreneurship and innovation
(Continuous assessment for each subject) 100 points = 15 ECTS
  1. Business creation and takeover
  2. Financial engineering
  3. Management of innovation and intellectual property law
  4. Evaluation, project management and value creation
  5. Information technology and decision support systems
MODULE 3 : strategies of international development
(oral exam for each subject) 100 points = 15 ECTS
  1. Strategic planning, technological watch and business intelligence
  2. International financial strategy and tax law
  3. Management of European organisations
  4. Competitive law and European law
  5. English for management and negotiation
  • Students will write a thesis, or an account of a professional project, on an issue related to operational strategy, international corporate activities, or business creation or takeover.
  • Students will defend their thesis or report before a jury in September (100 points = 15 ECTS). No student will pass with a grade below 30 for their thesis.

Students spending the second semester in a foreign university with a partnership with Paris II must obtain:

  • 30 ECTS points in that university, with a written report on their experience abroad,
  • 30 ECTS points in France, with a written report on an internship in France.


Applications must be placed on the Paris II website between March and May.

Fill out the personal application form and send it to scolarité department



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mar 03 déc 24 
14:00 / 17:00

Conférence dans le cours du Pr. M. Pelé en Master II MSE : "Le financement des opérations de croissance externe".


Marine ABGRALL  

Senior Banker - Large Corporate, HSBC


Admission en 1re année de master

Titulaires du diplôme national de licence ou inscrits dans le diplôme national de licence

Les candidatures à une inscription en master pour l’année universitaire 2024-2025 sont enregistrées exclusivement sur la plateforme nationale Mon master du 26 février au 24 mars 2024. Cette procédure concerne uniquement les candidats titulaires du diplôme national de licence (ou d’un diplôme équivalent) ou inscrits dans le diplôme national de licence (ou équivalent).

Consulter l’offre de formation et la procédure de candidature : Mon masterEnregistrer la candidature : Mon master

Candidats non éligibles à la plateforme Mon master, notamment les titulaires de diplômes étrangers

Les candidats non éligibles à la plateforme Mon master, dont les candidats ressortissants de pays hors Espace économique européen, Andorre, Suisse ou Monaco titulaires de diplômes étrangers, doivent enregistrer leur candidature du 26 février au 24 mars 2024 sur la plateforme de l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas

Stage Saint-Cyr

SCYFCO - Partenariat d’exception avec l’Ecole Militaire de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan qui accueille en stage les étudiants de la promotion du M2 MSE.